A Free illustrated, NSFW, Taboo Cuckold Story🔥🔞


Warning: Before you read this, it does include NSFW images, so read responsibly!

I am back and this week I am including a free chapter from my current series, How I Nailed Your Mother for you this week with some brand new images. These are examples of the kinds of things I am doing on my Patreon account, so if you really want to follow along with all of my series, sign up now!

As you know, I am currently releasing all of my new stories and series to Patreon. There is only one reason to do this and that is... I get to write what I want. If you've been following along with me the last couple of weeks, you know that I am venturing into the Taboo territory. These taboo stories will contain elements of incest and pseudoincest, dubious consent, and mind control.

Amazon has a history of censoring this type of content, so instead of worrying about that, I'm putting everything out on Patreon. I will be sharing my series on Medium as well, but everything will be on Patreon FIRST, with additional images you won't find anywhere else! Then, after at least 30 days on Patreon, I will be publishing the books to Smashwords and, if possible, Amazon.

So, now you all know how important Patreon is to me. It will become my main source of income as I drift further away from Amazon. So, if you like my stories, please check out my Patreon. I would really appreciate it!

Last, but not least, I do have a link to my latest book release with a brand new cover I designed myself. If you haven't read it yet, you can do so on my Patreon, or you can buy the book on Amazon and other retailers.

Enjoy the story and make sure to visit me on Patreon for even more great content!


Newest Book!

This spoiled trophy wife is about to find out the old saying is true… money truly can't buy you happiness.

Brianna Masters spends her days by the pool and getting massages while her wealthy husband closes the big deals that support their opulent lifestyle. She has everything she's ever wanted in life. At least that's what she thinks until she meets the sexy, talented Cass.

Cass has worked his whole life training for this moment. He wants to be more than just a masseuse to the rich and spoiled. Cass has magic hands and knows what it takes to make a woman happy. But, the young alpha male wants more than Brianna's body. He wants her complete submission.

Will Brianna succumb to Cass' talented hands? Or will she choose safety in the arms of her wealthy, older husband?

In the end, who will win the Trophy Wife? Winning the Trophy Wife Book 1 contains scenes of explicit sex, cheating, and submission. Please read responsibly!

Free Chapter!

How I Nailed Your Mother--Part 2

That first night, I took her in the kitchen why you and your father slept. I fucked her on the table where you eat breakfast, Tate. Imagine that, eating in the same spot where I made your mother come like a whore.

I knew from that first moment, I was going to take her from you.

Marion stood in the kitchen, her hands fidgeting at her side. The dim light from the refrigerator cast a soft glow over her trembling form as she stared at Benji's beautiful body.

"You look cold," Benji stepped forward, pulled her into the room, and wrapped his arms around her. The kitchen door swung silently shut behind her. "There now. Isn't that better, Marion?"

Marion gasped at the heat of the young man's body penetrating through her sheer nightgown. As she brushed against his chest, her nipples, already stimulated from her masturbation session, grew rock hard.

"Benji, don't," Marion muttered, her heart racing with fear and desire. Her body language told the young man all he need to know - she pressed close to Benji even as her eyes darted to the kitchen door.

"I've been thinking about you for a long time, Marion." Benji gripped her chin and turned her head towards him, locking her in with his intense gaze. She felt his muscular arms flex, the power of his biceps alive under her fingertips.

"Please, I can't," Marion whispered, her voice barely audible.

"Marion," he murmured, standing close enough for her to feel the heat radiating from his body. "I saw you next to Theo. I know he's not pleasing you. But, I can. Let me show you. "

She shuddered as she tried to resist the allure of this young man. As much as she wanted to push him away, part of her craved the excitement and danger that came with his touch. She couldn't help but think about how Theo had failed to make her come.

"Stop it," she said weakly. "This is wrong, Benji. We can't do this."

"Tell me you don't want me," he challenged, his eyes locked onto hers, his face mere inches from her own. The intensity in his gaze was enough to make her heart pound even harder in her chest.

"Benji..." Marion hesitated, her mind warring between her loyalty to Theo and the desperate need for the heat emanating Benji. "Please! Don't make me do this."

"I would never make you do anything you don't want to do," Benji murmured, his hands sliding down the sides of her body and over the swell of her round bottom. He pulled her close and she felt the fullness of his arousal, a burning rod of lust pulsing against her stomach.

My God! That can't be his cock! It's so big!

Marion felt her body trembling with anticipation as the hot length of Benji's shaft pressed against her belly. She could feel the delicious tension building within her, threatening to rise into an overwhelming wave of lust.

How long had it been since I've felt like this? she thought, desperately. Ten years? Fifteen?

Benji saw the beautiful mother's moment of weakness and pressed forward, smashing his lips against Marion's mouth. She let out a pitiful moan as Benji's tongue speared between her lips and tasted her, teasing the roof of her mouth until her own tongue joined the lewd dance. Her heart raced as she felt her guilt slipping away from her, all thoughts of what was considered right or wrong slowly being replaced by Benji's powerful masculinity.

After long minutes of kissing, Benji pulled back. Marion rested her hands on Benji's chest, feeling how strong his muscles were, so different from Theo's. She marveled at the fact that he was the same age as Tate. While her son hadn't yet developed into an adult body, Benji had already grown into a full-fledged man.

The dim light from the flickering light above the sink cast a blue glow on the kitchen, casting shadows that danced across their bodies. The steady hum of the refrigerator mingled with Marion's panting. Benji grinned down at the captive housewife in an almost predatory manner.

"I knew you wanted me," Benji whispered into Marion's ear, his hot breath sending shivers of lust down her spine. He raised his hands to her shoulders and slowly parted her robe, the only barrier between his hard body and her soft, lush flesh.

Marion's heart raced, her thoughts a whirlwind of confusion and desire. She could feel the cool tiles beneath her feet, grounding her in reality. The scent of the night's dinner lingered in the air, reminding her that Theo and Tate were asleep in the house.

"Benji, we shouldn't," she tried again, but her voice faltered.

"Look at me, Marion," he commanded, his voice low and tempting. Their eyes met, and the lust in his eyes ignited something primal within her. He leaned in closer, his lips brushing against her neck as he spoke. "Tell me you don't want this."

Her heart stopped as his hands cupped her breasts, the searing heat of his body seemed to burn into her soul. She desperately clung to her love for Theo and Tate, but a primal hunger surged through her and kept her from stopping Benji from massaging her heavy breasts in his powerful hands. Her mind was a chaos of emotions, but all she could focus on was the magnetic pull drawing her closer and closer to the young man.

"Tell me you don't want me," Benji purred again, his hands digging into the ripe flesh of her breast, sending dual shocks of pleasure and pain surging through the mother's frayed nerves. "Tell me you don't want me and I'll stop."

One strong hand fell from her breast and suddenly plunged between her quivering thighs. She cried out in shock. Benji clamped her mouth shut with one hand and pushing her against the counter. His fingers moved violently between her legs, searching for that sweet spot as he drove them deeper and deeper into her warm, wet core. She was helpless in his embrace, unable to move as his fingers explored every inch of her pussy.

"No more arguing," Benji hissed, his face as hard as his cock pressing against her thigh. He pushed the inside of his wrist against her clit, a quick, hard press, and she whimpered as he drove her close to the edge. "We're doing this my way now."

Marion's traitorous body submitted to his fingers and her hips rose to suck him even deeper inside her, the grooves of his palm sliding across her swollen clit. Benji tightened his hold on her mouth, his other hand pinning her hip to the kitchen counter. She was trapped against him, at his mercy, and she didn't care. The pleasure was too intense. Finally, the beautiful mother's eyes rolled back into her head, and he knew she could take no more.

"You were thinking about me when you were with your husband, weren't you?" he whispered, his warm breath against her ear.

Marion moaned, but Benji knew exactly what to do, and when. He quickened his pace, his fingers thrusting inside her, the raw skin of his palm now grinding against her clit. His mouth fell upon her neck and shoulder, his lips teasing her skin, his teeth nipping. Her orgasm came swiftly, streaking out of the darkness and through her body. She cried out in relief against Benji's hand, glad that her son and husband couldn't hear her shame. Her whole body spasmed as he smothered her cries with his palm, his other hand still deep inside her. She reached up and gripped his hair with both hands, grasping for purchase against the waves of pleasure crashing inside of her.

Finally, she dropped back against the counter, her body convulsing in the aftermath of her release. Benji held her still until her spasms stopped, then let his hand fall away from her bruised and dripping pussy.

"You were thinking of me when you were beside your husband, weren't you?"

Marion moaned with shame, but she could not deny the powerful man any longer. She nodded.

"Yes," she murmured. "Yes, I was."

Benji grinned, his eyes glinting with wicked intent as their lips met once more. As he kissed her, Marion felt her resolve crumbling. She forced her guilt aside, focusing solely on the electric sensations coursing through her body. Benji's hands roamed her breasts, his palms scraping across her sensitive nipples.

"God, you're so beautiful," he murmured, squeezing the supple flesh in his hands. His lips latched onto one hardened nipple, teasing and suckling while his fingers pinched and rolled the other, forcing a moan to escape Marion's lips.

"More," she gasped, her body arching to meet his touch. He complied, his hands sliding down between her legs and probing her wet, aching core.

"Look at you," Benji growled, his fingers dipping into her slick heat. "So desperate for me."

Marion's cheeks burned with shame and arousal, but she couldn't deny the truth in his words. She was powerless to resist him.

"Please, Benji," she whimpered, her hips humping lewdly against the counter.

"Tell me what you want, Marion," he demanded, his voice thick with lust. "Tell me how much you need me."

"I-I need you, Benji," she confessed, her voice trembling with desire. "Please...I need you inside me."

"Your wish is my command," Benji smirked, and lifted her up on the counter slamming her ass down on the cold marble. She yelped in pain as Benji growled and tore off his underwear, feral hunger burning in his eyes. "I'm going to make you mine, Marion."

Before Marion could speak, he thrust himself inside her with one powerful stab, stretching her pussy to her limit until she cried out in pain. She was horrified by the noise she had made, and bit down on her hand to muffle her cries so her son and husband wouldn't witness this obscene display. Benji's grin widened as he reveled in the beautiful wife's distress.

"Quiet now," he chuckled. "We wouldn't want your loving family to see their mom act like a whore, would we?"

Marion moaned, but her shame was forgotten a moment later as Benji slammed into her with savage thrusts of his huge cock. How? How could a boy she'd known his whole life have turned into such a powerful, desirable man?

The questions only increased the lust inside of her. She stopped biting her hand and dug her nails into the hard flesh of Benji's back, burying her face in his shoulder so she could scream against his hard body. Each violent thrust sent waves of bliss crashing through her body, obliterating any lingering thoughts of her family. In that moment, all that mattered was the overwhelming lust coursing through her veins, and the young man who was giving her such pleasure. As Benji drove her closer and closer to the edge, she surrendered herself completely, embracing the point of no return.

"Benji...oh god, Benji," Marion sobbed against his chest. Her distress only spurred him on, his movements growing more insistent, more primal. "I love it!"

"I wanted you for so long," he huffed into her ear, his hot words making her heart burst. "I want to make you mine, again and again."

"Yes!" she moaned, her mind clouded by lust. "Make me yours!"

But even as she surrendered herself to the pleasure he was giving her, a nagging voice in the back of her head murmured to her.

This is wrong.

"Are you sure?" Benji pulled back as if her had heard the silent whisper. "I'm not your husband. I'm not your son. You still want that?"

Marion cried out in anguish, but she was so close to feeling a bliss she had never experienced. In this violent, beautiful moment, there was only one answer.

"Yes!" she hissed. "Make me yours! Please!"

Benji needed no more words. With one brutal thrust, he was inside her again, slamming his cock deep into her tight, wet pussy. Marion bit into his shoulder to stifle her scream as he pummeled her, driving her toward the edge of bliss. Her body began to spasm and twitch, but Benji was relentless, pounding into her savagely. Marion gripped desperately at his sweat-slick body, barely holding on to her last bit of sanity.

"Benji, I...I'm..." Marion couldn't get the words out, her mind and body consumed by ecstasy. Benji did not slow, his hips bucking against her with bruising force.

"Come on my cock!" Benji hissed. "Come for me, Marion!"

With a strangled cry, the knife edge of pleasure sliced through her pussy, her body tensing and quivering as she came on Benji's magnificent cock. As she peaked, she felt Benji stiffen and pull out of her quivering cunt. Only then did she understand. He was fucking her without protection and she felt a misplaced sense of gratitude that he had not come inside of her.

Benji pulled the still shaking mother off the counter. Her legs were weak, but that was all right, because Benji didn't want her to standing. Instead, he lowered her to her knees.

Marion looked down at the puddle on the tiles, realizing that she was kneeling in the juices that had spilled out of her cunt and onto the floor. She had never come so hard before and was astonished by the amount of fluid that had dripped from her pussy. She didn't have time to ponder what that meant as Benji gripped her chin and lifted her face until she was staring at his enormous cock hovering just a few scant inches from her face.

Marion was shocked when the first hot stream of cum burst from the engorged head of his cock and splashed across her cheek. She gasped, opening her mouth, only to have another shot of thick salty jizz land on her tongue and burn as it hit the back of her throat.

"Fuck yes! Take it all!" Benji grunted.

Marion did as she was told, moaning as more ropes of jizz streaked across her face, the shame welling up inside of her. Benji kept firing his hot cum across the wife's beautiful face, each volley seeming to last longer than the one before. Marion burned with shame as more and more of his salty jizz dripped across her cheeks and lips until she was painted with Benji's jizz.

Marion whimpered, her mind raging with conflicting emotions. Shame, surprise, and excitement warred within her heart as she knelt before him and felt Benji's thick cum running down her face. She wanted to look away from the man, but it was impossible to ignore the arousal burning through her veins.

Benji stepped back and admired his work, a satisfied smirk playing on his lips.

"My slut," he purred sweetly before leaning down to kiss her softly on the forehead. He then pulled away, giving Marion a knowing look before stepping through the kitchen door without another word.

Marion sat on the floor in a pool of her own juices and Benji's cum dripping off her cheeks. Her heart hammered as she tried to comprehend the intense feelings that were running through her. On one hand, there was an immense pleasure radiating from every part of her body that she had never experienced before. But on the other hand, humiliation and embarrassment coursed through her nerves, knowing that it was a man young enough to be her son who had stirred such feelings inside of her. No matter how much she wanted to savor this moment, it only served to remind her of how wrong it was.

Marion slowly pulled herself up off the floor, her body aching with pain and lingering echoes of pleasure. The memories of Benji’s savage touch were still embedded in her mind and she could feel the lingering effects of their primal connection pulsing through her veins.

As she stumbled towards the sink, a wave of heavy shame weighed down on her heart as she tried desperately to erase all evidence of her sin. Yet despite her efforts, the pain of longing still embedded inside her body refused to be so easily washed away.

Hi, I’m a creator

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Hello! Thanks for joining me this week. It is super hot here in the Pacific Northwest, the temperature over a 100 degrees the last two days! Luckily, the family and I have been managing to stay cool. Since I've been cooped up inside, I've been spending quite a bit of time this week illustrating stories for my Patreon and updating covers of my previously published books. You can see a new cover below, as well as some new images. I've also included a free link to one of my Medium stories just...

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